I had some great plans for this weekend with Beni. I wanted to go to agility competition on Saturday, after a really loooong time, and then for a long hike on Sunday and some running contacts to make little Ben happy. But the first bad signs started already on Thursday when I got a high fever. It got worse and worse and on Saturday I stayed in bed with 39.5 fever all day. I also wanted to finish winter agility trainings video, just some of our runs here at home on my home-made agility obstacles :) Maybe next week...
Well, they say everything happens for a reason... I guess we can wait another month for the next competition and another weekend for hikes and agility trainings. Little hairy Beni doesn't seem to mind that I have to spend most of the day in bed, this dog is so happy to be with me and doesn't want to move anywhere without me, so he spends the day lying on me, kissing my face, which gets really annoying sometimes, but how could I stay serious with this dog? He is also bringing me toys all the time and yesterday the house looked a disaster, I was really so weak that I couldn't stand on my feet, so in the meantime he managed to open my wardrobe where I usually hide all of his toys, the drawers and my bag and brought all the toys he could find to me... This means about 30 toys lying around on the floor. Funny, he never steals food, I actually never hide his food and can leave it open, he won't take anything. He is also trying desperately to convince me into doing some tricks with him, so he is constantly bringing his bowl (not because he's hungry or thirsty) and spilling the water from it. He sometimes does that when he's hungry or thirsty, but usually when he just wants to do some tricks or play. He doesnt' want to play with anyone else, though, not even go for a walk. Today I am feeling so much better that I had to make some photos of him at home with his funny hair...
and here is a character description of poodles that I found, one of the most accurate so far: "The Miniature Poodle is good-natured and eager-to-please. He's also cheerful, loyal, proud, dignified, and extremely smart. When most people think of a "Poodle" they think of a feminine, girly dog. But nothing could be further from than the truth. He's actually very rugged and athletic. He's incredibly intelligent -- one of the most intelligent breeds -- and is easily trained. He thinks of himself as a person and demands to be treated like one. He's very affectionate and craves your love and companionship. He wants to be with you always. He's highly playful and loves to clown around. He possesses a keen sense of humor! He's highly energetic and very active around the home. He's playful and can learn to play fetch! He's a strong swimmer and loves the water. He's highly social and loves all people. He's gentle and patient with children. He gets along well with other dogs and pets. If he's bored he will get into mischief, so you need to give him something to do to occupy his mind. He housetrains easily. He's one of the most popular breeds."