I have holidays now and we are very very busy. I just love summer so I want to live every second of it. I take my dogs swimming as often as I can, they love swimming so much. Ben actually loves retrieving toys from water more than swimming as such, and Winnie actually loves me more than water as such, but they both go into the water after me, so cute, both of them.
We play a lot, Winnie is a growling thief, she lays down in the grass like a border collie and then waits for the innocent Ben to come with a toy. Then she attacks and tries to steal it, and she often succeds. And Ben, well, Ben is Ben, very gentle and sweet, he is just too aristocratic to fight, he's a poodle afterall, I think he must believe that blue blood runs through his veins, he always acts like that, it looks like he's way above all the other dogs, like he's a member of royalty and they're just peasants. Well, poodles used to be very popular in courts as companion dogs years ago, a coincidence :) ? It's the same when he walks into a puddle or mud, he heaves his legs up so high, so that they barely touch the ground, hilarious.
We also do some tricks in the mean time, but I must admit I pushed Beni aside a little and I am so ashamed of it. The only real reason for that is that I am running out of ideas for Beni, he knows so many tricks that I don't know what to teach him anymore, and Winnie, well she doesn't know any, so it's very easy to think what to teach her. So I only do some old tricks with Ben, with Winnie, I am working on circling the bowl with hind feet, recalls, focus, and anything with paws. I just love paw-tricks, I think there is nobody in the world cuter than Ben and his paw-tricks, so I decided to teach that to Winnie, too. She is learning really fast, she just learns things by the way, and she wants to do all of the tricks in my lap, she keeps on jumping on me :)
With Beni, I am starting with some obedience, will try to prepare him for BBH exam. And I am starting with turns after dogwalk, this time more seriously. He is running more confidently on competitions now and his jumping got a little better, so if it stays like this, I might as well move him to A3.
And finally, some great photos, thanks again to all the photographers, but especially to Polona Železnikar this time, for taking your time to capture these moments of me and my dogs!
Very, very nice PyrShep !! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiBest regards from Czech rep.