Time flies... And Ben is 2 already! Seems like it was yesterday when I took him home, the day when he decided never to part from my legs more than 3 meters. From the first moment we met, the little clown decided it was HE, not Dream, who is going home with me. I guess he made my decision much easier, so I still allow him to take decisions instead of me: where to go, what to do, which toy to buy... So everything we do now, was originally his idea: agility, tricks, hiking... He just dragged me into this with his clownish jumpy attitude. Everywhere he shows up, people just adore him. I'm so lucky he picked me and decided from the first moment on to stay with ME forever :)
Happy birthday dear Ben, and of course happy birthday to his brothers Dream and Angel and to his little sister Fiamma as well! :)
Kok je smešen res ta pes :) Tako v pozitivnem smislu :)
OdgovoriIzbrišihehehehe, to si sama vsak dan rečem :D (tako v pozitivnem smislu :)) sej vem da ti ne poznaš negativnega smisla, sploh ne pri psih