I am really good with updates this week :) But this one is very important! Ben's mommy delivered 5 beautiful puppies on September 11. 3 males, 2 females, all very cute and healthy. I have to say a few words about the breeder here, Anita. Anita has had poodles since she was a child, she loves the breed and really gives her best to give the puppies everything they need, she is the best breeder you can imagine. If you are interested, send me an email on nina.causevic@gmail.com.
hmmm. I also know the best breeder, but they are not Anita? So, who is the best now?? Just kodding ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeni congratulations for half brothers and sisters. We cant wait for ours :)
Metka&Roland are the best parson breeders, Anita is the best poodle breeder :) But I can't imagine Anita with a parson, though I CAN imagine Metka with a poodle, LOL :D (but not Roland) I think sometime in the future Metka will have a poodle :D
OdgovoriIzbrišihmm, Metka&poodle :) Once upon a time she wanted a BC :). Can`t belive i just say that but i like a poodle more.