This time an agility report. Beni is doing so good, he really surprises me every day how smart he is. I changed his trainings a little, I've been thinking and listening to what he wants to say to me and it paid off. I think he is doing so good, I even dare to say my handling is better :)
So his slalom looks great, no matter what I do, where I change direction, he stays concentrated on finishing it, we've also been practising blind crosses, looks good, contacts, turns, outs, everything looks good now on trainings, but let's see what happens on competitions :) I really like his attitude, he seems so happy to run and what is more important, so focused on me, he doesn't have that moments anymore when he wanted to run his own course, especially if there was a dogwalk anywhere near, he just had to run over it :) I think this has changed, he listens so good, though, it is a little to soon to say that, we'll see what happens in the next few months :D
And a video of Ben's last competition in Prestranek, our first clean run in A2 and first exam for A3, thank you Metka for the video! I'm especially proud of that contact - it was perfectly done, eventhough I made a French cross when he was on the dogwalk. Good boy! :)
This is a site about a very very special dog, my most devoted admirer and foremost my very best friend who follows me like a shadow everywhere I go. A dog who is so much more than a dog, with brains of a scientist, disposition of a court jester, appearance of a sheep, eyes of a ball-chasing addict, behaviour of a monkey, and well... character of a confirmed weirdo :-)

Stars of Hope Always in Love to Lupin - Ben
I hope you enjoy browsing my site, and I hope Ben makes you laugh as much as he makes me. Ben was born on June 5, 2008, in a litter of four puppies. He spent his puppyhood with his breeder Anita, whom I would like to thank here for all the love and caring you gave to Ben and for the tears in your eyes when I decided Ben is coming home with me. I couldn't imagine a better breeder for my little Ben!
My greatest and only wish when I decided to have a dog was for him to accompany me 24/7 (which was also the reason why I preferred to take a small dog over a long-wished big one). However, I soon realized my puppy was an energetic bomb who resembled more a monkey than a dog. Long walks and hikes were never tiring enough. That's why we decided to use the brains and started to learn tons of tricks and to take agility classes to make some use of this extra energy.
My greatest and only wish when I decided to have a dog was for him to accompany me 24/7 (which was also the reason why I preferred to take a small dog over a long-wished big one). However, I soon realized my puppy was an energetic bomb who resembled more a monkey than a dog. Long walks and hikes were never tiring enough. That's why we decided to use the brains and started to learn tons of tricks and to take agility classes to make some use of this extra energy.
Nina lepo zgledaš. Ga kar dosti prehitevaš, še mal pa boš kot Zoli ;) le tako naprej!
OdgovoriIzbrišiahahahaha :) ne ne, Zoli nima konkurence :D