A short agility report: I thought I could not be prouder of little Ben, but I was wrong. Last weekend he ran faster than ever, but that's also due to the courses, lots of straight lines, something we really both adore :) However, straight lines or not, he was crazy already at the startline, so I knew he was going to run for life :) He knocked a bar in agility, because he was too much in a hurry, but the rest of the run was clean and he had far best time in A2 small, and 2nd best time from all size cathegories, small medium and large, there was only one border collie a second faster. In jumping we had an off course because of my stupid mistake, but again, he ran like crazy. But I think I handled him pretty well except for that stupid mistake, suddenly it seems like we make a really good team.
Other than that, he is still the sweetest dog in the world. Lots of people, who know Ben, but haven't met Winnie yet, ask me what she is like. Well, if you know Ben well, just imagine Winnie is his exact opposite. If Ben is sweet, than Winnie is more like a monster :) Ben loves all people and makes friends to everybody, while Winnie doesn't want to meet anyone but me and actually doesn't like anyone but some of our friends. Ben loves playing, Winnie loves eating, Ben is always well behaved, never does anything wrong, while Winnie always does everything wrong, she is never behaved. Ben loves sleeping, Winnie never sleeps unless I put her into her crate. Ben is an angel, Winnie a little devil, I could also put it this way: Winnie is black, Ben is white. I could never decide which character suits me more. I love them both just the way they are, but what I love most about them, is that little something they have in common: they are both 2 big clowns, who make me laugh, make me smile, comfort me when I'm down, follow me like shadows and never ever allow me to get bored around them.
I am working on a tricks video with both of them this time. They've both learnt some new tricks, but too bad I am so untalented for making videos, so it always takes me longer to make a video than teaching all those new tricks to my dogs.
But I still managed to put together some of our runs from Ben's second year of competing in agility, so here comes a video of Ben's agility runs in A2. And I made another video of Ben's running contacts on competitions, as I never noticed how good his contacts are on competitions until I started making a video of his latest runs.
Ben's agility and jumping runs in A2
Ben's running contacts on competitions
OdgovoriIzbrišiHA - HA - HA, that is a LOL :D
ha-ha, can you beat THIS FLUFFINESS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCyYTpP1hCw&feature=channel_video_title