Hello again :) Some updates of my doggies...
First the funny one: We had a performance on a dog show in Ljubljana and Ben did really really well. It was a lousy performance on my part as I didn't even know what I was going to show, so I just improvised everythig :S I do need to get more organised! We had a performance together with Simona and in the end we decided to shedule a programme next time, with music and everything. However, the dogs did a GREAT job, little Ben was so charming and impressive that people wouldn't let me go home at the end - asking me questions how I teach that or another thing, where he is from, etc. He did not only charm the audience, but the photographers and reporters to, so later I found some pictures of him in the newspaper and the children in our school told me they saw us on TV :D
We went to a competition in Prestranek, and again, he was just great and I was just lousy. I forgot the course twice, I didn't really go off-course, but I was always too late with my commands and with being on the right place, and the result were big lines and turns. But I was so proud of Ben, he really ran nicely, with a nice jumping style after a loooong time, fast and focused. And happy, too! We did go off-course right at the end of jumping, a very silly one though, otherwise we would have ended 2nd in A3! Not bad at all! The courses seemed very difficult to me, especially as I had to wait all large, medium and small dogs to fininsh and I of course forgot the courses inbetween. It's really difficult to run in A3 with Ben as I train so little with him... As I said... all faults were on my side, the little one was great!!
I don't really want to show the videos as they're embarrassing, but I would like to share a video of Simona and her Ben, so very proud of them! Simona & Ben
And now the crazy one: My Pretty Girl celebrated 9 months yesterday! What a cool doggie she has become, so crazy, hyperactive, full of life and always wearing a smile! Always ready to do something wrong, and yet so innocent :) But she definitely is a heartbreaker, all my friends would know that :) She is the sweetes thing, that Bono's song has always reminded me of her :) She is doing really well on agility and LOVES working, she loves tricks and agility. Here are some videos of her on agility... contacts; foundations 3/4, weaves, serpentines
And a video how to teach dogs to skateboard as I got lots of questions how to teach that: Skateboarding dogs