Ben and I are a little bored in this creepy weather. We've been learning some new tricks lately (quite a few of them), but they're most of them still in progress. Ben finds one or two of them extremely difficult, but I can already see a light of success :) and that's basicaly it - tricks, cuddling and some short walks, that's all we can afford in this pouring rain, which hasn't stopped for two weeks now.
However, a new period has begun for us - since we started to go to agility competitions our lives have changed and Saturdays are always long expected! Competition is a place where we can do what we both love best: run agility, do tricks, meet new people (or dogs! :)), meet old friends, cuddle, play, take a walk, enjoy the nature or simply observe other people and their agility runs... It's not at all like competing against others like people usually think... It's more like giving it all to your own performance and whenever I get that wild attitude out of Ben, when I can hardly run the course without losing him, I feel like winning. And this Saturday for sure was a big win for us! I sometimes joke me and Ben will only start to compete (like tigers!) against others if the organizers change the winning cups for toys, we sure need new toys, never enough of them :) :D But as long as the winner gets a cup, no fear for us starting to be competitive :) Ok, so Saturday competition definitely turned out to be a big win for us! You could tell Ben enjoyed the run and he even took me by surprise by jumping into my arms at the end of the course, without telling him to do so, so I could hardly catch him. No, we didn't win officially, we went off-course on both runs thanks to my handling... But that's not the point, the point is I've never been so proud of my little Ben before, running so bravely in such a distracting enviroment, not even getting scared of a completely new dogwalk and A-frame with an extremely rough surface and even his FIRST see-saw was perfectly done! And this time, he WAS running fast! He did get scared of one tunnel though, but well, it's so dark in there! :D
just to know. There are some competitions where the winner gets a toy beside cup... :)
OdgovoriIzbrišireally? which ones? let me know so that we can prepare to fight!!! :D