Winnie amazes me every day. She is getting crazy for working with me, she loves shaping tricks and tugging, and she loves Ben. They now often sleep together, if Winnie is not in a crate. She would chew anything, just anything, so I can't keep my eye off of her not even for a second. She gets crazy when doing tricks and her paws are all over the place. But we have one big problem. She is really terrified of men, for no particular reason, but she can't stand a man touching her. And she is terrified of big dogs. Normally on walks she would just ignore all dogs and people, to her, me and Ben are the centre of her world. But if the dog comes to her to meet her, she bites. She needs a loooot of time to relax outside and would not play with a toy, she gets very distracted. I try to do all of the tricks outside and I try to spent most of the day in parks and in the city. I often take her in my lap and talk to men, to show her nobody will harm her and that she is safe, but I first tell them to strictly ignore her and not try to pet her, because it makes her feel even more uncomfortable. So yes, I just spend time talking to men with her in my lap or sitting next to me, and eventually she forgets about her fears and she even went to my friend's lap today, by her own choice. But it's going to take some time for her to really relax and forget about the surroundings. But you just have to love her character, she blows you away with that funny face and her furry head full of crazy ideas. She is getting more and more beautiful every day, but to me she looks like she stopped growing, I sometimes joke that's her final height. She is really tiny.
I really think I am so lucky to have Ben in my life. He is so good to Winnie, I usually take him with me and Winnie, because he is the best example when it comes to socialization. He ignores dogs or sometimes only sniffs them, and he loves all people. He is one happy dog, who thinks life is just beautiful. To Ben, the world is so beautiful as long as I am near. And he accepted Winnie so well, they play a lot, but you can see already Winnie is the boss. She doesn't take him seriously at all, and he doesn't seem to mind. Ben was never a dominant dog, he has the sweetest temper, like I said, he is just to aristocratic to fight and argue with other dogs :)
Here comes Winnie's first video.. big thanks to Simona Limona for filming and production, and for your company :). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpOjiqjlKzs&feature=channel_video_title
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