Little Winnie is 5,5 months old already. I wanted to say "she is growing so fast", but it's not quite true :) She actually isn't growing anywhere, she is so very tiny, and she is actually growing up very slowly, she still lacks of teeth, and her behaviour in general, her running style and movement still look like those of a 3-month-old puppy. Therefore I don't like to rush with anything, because she is still such a baby, but on the other hand it's pretty convenient, she will remain a puppy for a longer period of time and I will have so much more opportunities to enjoy her puppyhood. When I remember Ben at her age or if I compare her to other puppies of the same age, she is so way behind with development and her view on the world around her. She is hilarious, and just like a three-month-old puppy, she still wakes me up in the middle of the night and early in the morning, either by crying or by destroying something. Her energy has no limits, after 6 hours of running she would go and sleep for an hour and then she would start with her mischievous look again or she would start disturbing Ben's peace. And yes, she is still going through all other puppy stages, too. Other than that, she is full of enthusiasm, always happy (if only she isn't afraid of something), her tail never stops wagging, she loves working and running, and above all she loves teasing Ben. They've become real BFF's by now. Nothing new with Ben, he will never change, thank God! :) I took him to a school trip the other day and the children just loved him, he was named "the cutest dog in the world" (and I thought I'm only saying this because he's mine). He sure is a heartbreaker, I don't know anyone who would stay indifferent around him. It's surprising that Ben usually takes all the glory when people meet both of them. With all Winnie's energy and with her being all over the place all the time I expected she would win any situation. But Winnie is still very shy around new people and she is all mine, while Ben knows no reason why not to say hello to the whole world and even ask for some treats, or even better, some toys, (by offering the funniest tricks he knows) so in this case Ben always wins all the attention with those funny tricks and those little eyes, no one can beat that :)
And I've finally made that promissed video, you have no idea how much time it took me to put this together, I guess more than teaching the tricks. It's not actually any good in terms of video production, but it's cute. I just have to admit here I am not talented for this, so next time I'll just ask Simona Limona again and maybe bake her a cake in return or sth. :)
I know I keep saying this all the time, but I have to say it again: God, I love my two funny dogs! Finally the long promised video: Bennie and Winnie Tricks
Nina, this video is good enough to bake a cake for yourself!
OdgovoriIzbrišiblush* :) Whenever I think my video is crap, people tell me it's amazing. And whenever I think I've just made the cutest video, people don't even take the time to watch all of it. And that tells you all about my taste :D The same goes to my taste in dog breeds, I presume, just look at the above photos and tell me if anyone agrees with me that those are the most beautiful breeds :D